Interesting Facts About Google You May Not Know

Google, The most influencing company in the IT sector is well known to everyone who use internet. Here are 10 interesting facts about Google you may not know yet

01. GooglePlex

Google’s headquarter is called GooglePlex & it’s located in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California, United States

02. T-Rex Dinosaur Skeleton

Google has a T-Rex Dinosaur Skeleton in front of GooglePlex. The skeleton is a real one, not dummy.

03. Dog Friendly Area

Google’s office is a dog friendly area. Employees can bring their dog with them

04. Suicide Prevention

If you search google “I want to commit suicide”, google will show suicide prevention helpline of your country if available

05. Internet Connection Checker

Google homepage is the most use webpage to check internet connectivity

06. Unlucky Button For Google

I am feeling Lucky button on Google homepage costs Google 110 million USD per year as about 1% of searchers bypass Google & all of it’s ads by clicking this buton

07. Owning Mis-Spelling Domains

Google owns all common mis-spelling domains like,, and even The last one for mobile users who accedently type numbers instead of letters.

08. Ad Revenue

Up to 97% of Google’s revenue comes from advertisement which was 55.5 billion USD last year

09. Backward Google

Google in backward is elgooG. Visit & see the magic

10. Google-Mozilla Partnership

Google pays Mozilla millions dollar per year for making Google default search & home page. They consider themselves partners, not competitors

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