Interesting Facts about Hiccups

A hiccup is an unintentional movement (spasm) of the diaphragm, the muscle at the base of the lungs. The spasm is followed by quick closing of the vocal cords, which produces a distinctive sound.

Have you ever wondered why you get the hiccups? Tara recently got a bad case of the hiccups, and brought Nick Uhas onto DNews to discuss why we get them, and offer some possible cures.

What are the causes of hiccups?
Experts are not sure what the actual cause hiccups is or why they occur. According to studies, the following circumstances, conditions and illnesses have been associated with a higher risk of developing hiccups:

• Hot food has irritated the phrenic nerve. The phrenic nerve is near the esophagus.
• When there is gas in the stomach, which presses against the diaphragm.

• Intake of extremely high amounts of food or when food is taken rapidly.

• There is a sudden change in temperature.

• Consumption of fizzy drinks.

• After consumption of spicy foods.

• After eating dry breads.

• Many people report hiccups after consuming alcoholic beverages.

• Some medications, such as opiates, benzodiazepines, anesthesia, corticosteroids, barbiturates, and mythyldopa are known to cause hiccups.

• Some medical conditions are linked to a higher incidence of hiccups, such as gastrointestinal conditions, including IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), a small bowel obstruction or GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease). Respiratory conditions which affect the CNS (central nervous system) are also reported to cause hiccups. A traumatic brain injury, encephalitis, a brain tumor or stroke which may irritate the vagus nerve, psychological conditions including grief, excitement, anxiety, stress, hysteria or shock may also cause hiccups.

Here are some common cures for hiccups:
1) Drink from the far side of a glass of water while bent over.
2) Have the hiccuper hold their breath for as long as possible.
3) Try to take 10 sips of water in one breath.
4) A spoonfull of sugar seems to cure just about anything. Peanut butter is also a common remedy.
5)  Try a headstand. It may just distract you for long enough to “forget” your hiccups.
How to Cure Hiccups |

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